We are here to teach, strengthen and encourage the women at Calvary Chapel Sacramento in their faith and walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and teach their children to do likewise.

We desire that women would be built up by the teaching of the Word and that they in turn will be used by the Lord to strengthen, support and love their sisters in Christ.

Don't miss our Women's Ministry events!

  • Women's Bible Studies - Feb 7th - April 11th
  • Women's Retreat - May 2nd - May 4th
  • BBQ - July 12nd
  • Ladies' Bunco - July 25th
  • Mocha & Movies - September 19th
  • Ladies' Bunco - October 17th
  • Christmas Dinner - December 12th

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And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:25